Thursday, March 26, 2009

The One with the Wedding Date

Hello Everyone!

Several people have been asking about our wedding date. As of now we have not set a date yet, but are in the process. We will not be getting married until 2010. We are currently looking at wineries in Temecula. We have an appointment in a few weeks and will let you know all the updates as soon as we know them.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The One with the visit from Scott's Parents...the future in-laws

We had a very nice visit with Scott's parents. They brought us a new kitchen table, which used to belong to Scott's sister, Lisa. It goes great with our furniture and theme! They also brought beautiful flowers! We all went out to dinner at Chevy's...yum! This has been a very exciting weekend for us. I think we are both exhausted and not ready for a day of work tomorrow. Hopefully, we will have a good nights sleep and wake up refreshed.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

The one with the Proposal

Scott and I are engaged! Here is how it all happened:
On March 19th, Scott told me that he wanted us to go have a picnic dinner on Mt. Soledad in La Jolla on Friday, March 20th. I was thinking to myself that it was out of the blue to mention going up there. When we first started dating we began a tradition of having a dinner picnic (usually Subway) and watching the sunset. We did this every few months, and then said we would do it every anniversary. We were consistent for a while, but stopped going. So I was thinking, “that sounds good, a nice romantic sunset after a very long week.” Little did I know he was planning to propose.
I tutor on Friday’s and had offered to help my friend Penny with PowerPoint after that. So I ended up being at school until 5. (I had thought it would take that long.) Meanwhile, Scott is at home feeling just a little nervous that I am not home yet. I ended up getting home around 5:15 and we left for Subway and the mountain. I had no idea anything was up at this point. On the way up to the mountain we were talking about the day and I happened to mention that it was my parents wedding anniversary. (Little did I know Scott was thinking, maybe I should propose another day)
Once we got to the mountain, which was freezing cold by the way, we ate our food and looked out over the still, gray ocean. Although, it was not the most picturesque day, it still was beautiful. After we were finished eating, Scott started talking about how happy he has been these last 4 years, eleven months and three days and how he loved me. I thought, wow, that’s more romantic than usual. Don’t get me wrong he does romantic things all the time, but to actually say it like that is a little different. Anyways, then we were talking about the trip we took across the southwest and our memories over the years. I mentioned that I really remember finding the blue bubblegum ice cream Scott liked in San Antonio and driving throught the Texas rain and many other memories. Then he said that he hoped these next five years would be as happy as the last. I said I hope so too. Then the conversation ensued and we were talking about the months and years to come. Scott then said, as he pulled out the ring, “how about forever?” As I looked at the ring and at Scott, I really didn’t know what to say. I didn’t know whether to laugh, cry, and talk or what. I said, “I don’t know what to say,” (of course it was out of surprise not out of making the decision) and Scott said, “Just say yes.” I responded, “okay”….”yes.” I was speechless. I really was in shock, and still am 13 hours after it happened.
So of course I am thinking about who to call first and the answer was my good friend Cassiopeia, who called me immediately after she was proposed to in 2007. I knew she was at the basketball game so I wasn’t sure she could hear me, but since she knew what was coming I figured she would answer. Of course the Jenny Craig Pavilion does not get reception. So she had to go outside in order to talk to me. But we did get to talk! Since she was at band…she spread the word. Our phones were buzzing quite a lot…thanks for the congratulations everyone! Then I called my parents and attempted a cell phone speaker phone announcement to mom, dad and grandma.....I couldn’t hear anything. I did get to talk to them each individually though which was very nice! Scott and I then headed to Yogurt Mill…another favorite. Along the way we texted back and forth with other friends. While in line Janet returned my call and I got to share the news with her…and of course the news about getting frozen yogurt. Scott called his parents, who knew of course that this was coming. They were very excited for us. We get to see them on Sunday!

The one where we got Engaged!

March 20, 2009! More details to come.